American Education Week: Pre-ETS Spotlight

MTBM Global is Empowering Futures with Pre-Employment Transition Services

At MTBM Global Rehabilitation Consultants, American Education Week holds profound significance as we celebrate our commitment to the empowerment of youth with disabilities. This week, we spotlight our invaluable Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) dedicated to collaborating with Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and Special Education Professionals.

Our Mission

Preparing for Success: For youth aged 14-24 facing challenges such as Sensory Impairments, Developmental Disabilities, Severe & Persistent Mental Illness, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, our mission is clear. We collaborate to assess employability and provide specialized services, ensuring these young individuals are equipped for successful employment.

Tailored Support

Expertise that Matters: With a tailored approach, we focus on developing the necessary skills, resources, and opportunities for youth with disabilities. Our goal is to pave the way toward inclusive and fulfilling career paths.

Program Highlights

Comprehensive Services: Our Pre-ETS program includes:

  1. Job Exploration Counseling: Guiding youth in identifying potential career paths.
  2. Work-Based Learning: Providing real-world experiences in school and community settings.
  3. Enrollment Counseling: Assisting in transitioning to secondary educational programs.
  4. Workplace Readiness Training: Developing crucial social and independent living skills.
  5. Self-Advocacy Training: Empowering youth to advocate for themselves.

Eligibility Criteria

Is Your Youth Consumer Eligible? Ensure eligibility by meeting these criteria:

  • Enrolled in a secondary, postsecondary, or recognized education program.
  • Documented disability listed in an IEP or a 504 plan.
  • At least 14 years old and in 9th grade or above.

Note: Eligibility may vary based on specific program requirements and regulations.

This American Education Week, let’s champion inclusivity and empowerment. If you have a youth consumer eligible for Pre-ETS, reach out today at 800-482-1846 or email us at Together, let’s shape a future of possibilities and success.

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