Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2023

Advancing Access and Equity

October marks an important month on our calendars – National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). It’s a time dedicated to shedding light on disability employment issues and recognizing the invaluable contributions of American workers with disabilities. This year, the theme is “Advancing Access and Equity,” emphasizing the need for inclusivity in the workforce. At MTBM Global, we’re proud to stand alongside individuals with disabilities, offering a range of services that empower them on their journey to meaningful employment.

The theme for NDEAM 2023 resonates deeply with our mission at MTBM Global. We believe that every individual, regardless of ability, should have equal access to opportunities in the workforce. Our comprehensive vocational rehabilitation and consulting services are designed to bridge the gap and create a level playing field for individuals with disabilities.

Empowering Individuals:

At MTBM Global, we understand the unique challenges individuals with disabilities face in their pursuit of meaningful employment. Our certified rehabilitation counselors and vocational evaluation professionals are passionate about helping individuals discover their strengths and potential career paths. Through specialized services like vocational evaluations, rehabilitation consultation, skills training, and expert witness services, we equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive in the workforce.

Fostering Inclusivity:

In today’s world, inclusivity is not just a buzzword; it’s a core value we uphold. We collaborate closely with individuals, employers, and the community to break down barriers and create a supportive environment. By advocating for inclusivity in the workplace, we’re not only advancing access and equity, but also driving positive change in the broader community.

Celebrate with Us:

This NDEAM, join us in celebrating the achievements and potential of workers with disabilities. Together, let’s advance access and equity in the workforce, making strides towards a more inclusive future for all.

Take the Next Step:

If you or someone you know is seeking support on the journey to meaningful employment, MTBM Global is here to help. To learn more about our services or contact us at (800) 482-1846. Let’s continue working together to advance access and equity, and together, we can turn aspirations into achievements.

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